Kamis, 24 Mei 2012


top steak :)

ega kurniawan

this my boyf's :*

We met at a junior high school and we ended up together after a long journey story, 16MARCH 2011


this is my fam's

in the corner of left is my father , in the biside of my father is my young sister , and me , in the last is my mother :)

handsome father and beautiful mom  :)

cutes sister..

dhian christy novitasari

its time to intoduce my self
hai my name is dhian

i hope you"ll enjoyed this blog :D

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012


kali ini author akan share tentang HAID

sebagai seorang wanita , pasti setiap bulan mengalami yang satu ini dan saya pun juga hehe.. teman , HAID , merupakan floraalam dari nenek moyang dimana terjadi setiap bulan pada wanita yang sudah berumur 12-50 th . setiap wanita beda beda , ada yang rutin setiap bulan , ada yang tidak rutin seperti 3 bln sekali atau 1 bln 2 kali dsb . saat Haid sebaiknya kita lebih lagi menjaga harta kita mulai dari kebersihan sampai kesehatannya, teman..
ini juga yang membuat para cewecewe kelimpungan saat HAID , yaitu nyeri Haid
berikut tips" menangani nyeri haid buat para cewecewe yang mengalami nyeri haid

  • Tempelkan botol berisi air panas atau bantalan panas/hangat pada daerah perut. Rasa hangat dapat mengurangi rasa nyeri.
  • Pijat daerah perut secara perlahan-lahan.
  • Coba tidur terlentang dengan kaki/lutut diganjal dengan bantal.
  • Lakukan olahraga ringan seperti senam, jalan kaki, atau bersepeda pada saat sebelum dan selama haid, hal tersebut dapat membuat aliran darah pada otot sekitar rahim menjadi lancar, sehingga rasa nyeri dapat teratasi atau berkurang.
  • Hindari menggunakan pakaian yang ketat dan dapat menekan perut saat datang haid.
tips juga menjaga dan merawat miss V kalian

~ rajin lah buat mengganti pembalut setiap 3 jam sekali 

ini mengurangi adanya bakteri pada pembalut yang bisa masuk lagi ke daerah miss V dan menyebabkan jamur , gatal , bau tak sedap , iritasi sampai ISK , jangan sampai itu menyerang kalian ya teman :D

~ bersihkan miss V dengan sabun atau pembersih wanita yang khusus untuk miss V

itu bertujuan dengan mengurangi bau tak sedap dan mebunuh kumankuman yang ada di pembalut
ingat , HARUS SABUN KHUSUS YAA karena sabun khusus menggunakan Ph yang sudah disesuaikan dengan suasana miss V kita , beda dengan sabun biasa yang Ph nya tidak sesuai malah membuat miss V kita tidak sehat

silahkan mencoba guys , semoga berguna :D

ini dia , iPhone 5

 ini dia gadgets yang di idam idam kan banyak orang . g heran kalo dengan harga
 nya yang "SANGAT MURAH" yang berarti mahalnya g ketulungan hahah ditambah aplikasinya yang saaaaangat canggih , banyak orang yang berandai andai untuk bisa memiliki satu dari gadgets ini boroboro punyak , megang aja g ngimpi hehehe  . yaaak ini dia sang iPhone 5 ...!!!

sepertinya kita akan terus olahraga jari jika terus berkutat dengan Iphone ini yang kabarnya dengan layar lebih lebar dari iPhone" yang meluncur sebelumnyaa (tetep g mengurangi niat kaliyan buat beli ini kan ? :) ) . nah Iphone ini dengan layar  QHD di 960 × 540 piksel berukuran 4,3 inci semakin memuaskan para konsumen yang gila gadgets untuk menambah koleksinya dan para gamers agar lebih asik lagi buat nggame.
iPhone 5 kabarnya akan memiliki prosesor quadcore A5x dengan 1GB atau RAM.
tapi kali ini kalian harus bersabar yaa , karena iPhone ini baru akan diluncurkan pada bulan JUNI , so guys ada yang berminat ?? tunggu satu bulan lagi yaa..

Minggu, 29 April 2012

tips untuk mengatasi rasa pedas

makan pedas minum es ? SALAH ! buat para kalian yang nggak suka pedas termasuk saya ada solusi buat mengurangi rasa pedas di mulut , yaitu SUSU . susu dipercaya bisa menetralisir rasa pedas dimulut karena kandungan lemak disusu , selain susu bisa dengan makanan atau minuman olahan susu seperti keju dan yogurt . saya sendiri pernah mencoba , kamu ?? silahkan dicoba guys.. :)

ini juga bahan" yg dipercaya mengurangi rasa pedas jika terlalu sulit mencar sang SUSU hhaha

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Windows 8: What You Need to Know

Microsoft showed its first public demo of Windows 8 on Wednesday, and it's not at all like the Windows operating systems you've come to know over the past 25 years. The next version of Microsoft's operating system ("Windows 8" is just a codename) is a radical departure, designed around touch screens.
If this revelation is making you weak in the knees, worry not. Here's a handy FAQ on the early Windows 8 build that Microsoft demonstrated:
What Windows 8 features did Microsoft demonstrate?
Essentially, Microsoft showed how Windows 8 will work on both tablets and traditional PCs. The operating system's home screen is filled with big, touchable panels, like the live tiles in Windows Phone 7, and from there you can tap and swipe your way to other touch-based applications. But underneath that touchy layer is plain old Windows, with a task bar, file manager, app icons--everything.
Swipe across to multitask. (Click to Zoom)How does the touch interface work?
From the start menu, which shows basic information like time and unread e-mail counts, users swipe upwards to reveal the home screen and its tiles. As with Windows Phone 7, apps can show some information within the tiles--users needn't click on the weather app to see the current temperature, for example. Swiping from the right bezel brings up a menu that can take users from an app back to the home screen.
Users can multitask between open apps by swiping across from the left bezel. And therein lies the coolest-looking feature of Windows 8: When swiping in a new app, users can snap it in place next to the app that's currently running. This allows users to view two apps at the same time--something that no existing tablet OS can do.
Windows 8 Weather App (Click to Zoom)How will Windows 8 apps work?
Microsoft says it's created a new kind of app for Windows 8 using HTML5 and Javascript, and they're a lot like the apps you'd expect to find on a tablet. A weather app shows the five-day forecast. A news reader displays stories and thumbnail images in big, rectangular panes. Microsoft also showed off Internet Explorer 10, which is optimized for touch. Presumably Microsoft will distribute these apps through its own store--there's a "Store" tile in the version of Windows 8 that Microsoft demonstrated--but the company offered no details.
Legacy apps and new apps can run side by side (Click to Zoom)What about existing Windows apps, such as Office and Photoshop?
They'll still work. Loading one of these apps will bring up a more familiar version of Windows. According to All Things Digital, classic Windows apps will use "fuzzy hit targeting" to aid finger taps, but they won't be optimized for the touch screen like Windows 8's HTML5/Javascript concoctions. Legacy apps can, however, run side by side with the new Windows 8 apps.
But what about Windows PCs running on ARM chips? Will legacy apps run on those devices?
See our full Windows 8 coverageIt's conceivable that ARM-based Windows devices will be restricted to the touch-centric user interface in Windows 8, but Microsoft hasn't made any announcements on that front. In fact, Microsoft recentlydenied claims made by an Intel executive about which apps will run on ARM-based Windows machines. Intel's Renee James had said to expect at least four versions of Windows for ARM processors, and that none of these versions would be compatible with apps from Windows XP, Vista or 7. Microsoft said these statements were "factually inaccurate and unfortunately misleading," but didn't clarify the matter with any details. In other words, the question is still unanswered.
When's the Windows 8 release date?
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has said that Windows 8 will launch in 2012, but the company hasn't been any more specific than that. Expect more details on Windows 8 in September, when Microsoft will hold the BUILD conference for developers. For now, check out Microsoft's first video of Windows 8 in action.

windows 8 tablet could start at $300

The cheapest Apple iPad is priced at $399, while you can pick up a decent tablet running Google Android software for as little as $199. So it’s not surprising that in order to compete, Microsoft and its hardware partners may have to offer at least some Windows 8 tablets at very low prices.
DigiTimes reports that prices for tablets running Microsoft’s next-generation operating system could start at $300.
HP TouchPad Windows 8
That’s not to say all Windows 8 tablets will be dirt cheap. Some could cost as much as $1000, and I suspect convertible ultrabook-style tablets with slide-out keyboards and other premium features may cost even more.
But if Microsoft is serious about challenging Apple’s dominance in the tablet space and Android’s up-and-coming status, the company is going to have to compete on price — and that means ensuring Windows 8 can run on cheap hardware and offering inexpensive licenses to hardware partners.
That said, I’m taking most of this DigiTimes rumor with a grain of salt — partly because DigiTimes is always a hit-or-miss news source, and partly because this particular report seems very specific given that all the information comes from Taiwanese equipment makers, not from Microsoft, Dell, Lenovo, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, or any of the other companies sited in the article as planing to actually launch Windows 8 tablets.

Jumat, 27 April 2012

pregnancy test

Pregnancy test

 pregnancy test attempts to determine whether a woman is pregnant. Markers that indicate pregnancy are found in urine and blood, and pregnancy tests require sampling one of these substances. The first of these markers to be discovered, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), was discovered in 1930 to be produced by the trophoblast cells of the fertilised ovum (blastocyst). While hCG is a reliable marker of pregnancy, it cannot be detected until after implantation: this results in false negatives if the test is performed during the very early stages of pregnancy. Obstetric ultrasonography may also be used to detect pregnancy. Obstetric ultrasonography was first practiced in the 1960s; the first home test kit for hCG was released in the mid-1970s.

Kamis, 26 April 2012

upcoming gatgeds for 2012

So, that was 2011. I know that there are a few more days to go, but people all over the world have already moved on to looking at 2012 now. Many people over the Internet are quite curious to know what new technology, or product will be released in the next year. Before we move onto 20120, here are some of the major releases in 2011 were – Chromebook, Google Plus, iPhone 4S,iPad 2, and so on.
Now that we are inching closer to the end of the year 2011 and getting closer to the New Year, one question that certainly strikes everyone’s mind is what gadgets and products that are scheduled to be launched in 2012.
There are many products that are set to be launched in 2012. However, some of us wish that these products were here right now, such as Apple’s next iPad 3 and iPhone 5, and of course many users are waiting for the release of Microsoft’s next tablet friendly operating system – Windows 8.

2012 Gadgets – Upcoming Releases in 2012

Here’s a list of some of the major upcoming 2012 gadgets and products:

Apple iPhone 5

No doubt, the Apple iPhone 5 is one of the most anticipated 2012 gadgets. Apple launched the iPhone 4S, which disappointed its fans very much. Although the device has some nice changes under the hood, including the addition of voice-recognizing personal assistant Siri and an excellent 8-megapixel camera, the phone looks quite identical to its predecessor – iPhone 4.
2012 Gadgets
The upcoming phone from Apple is expected to sport the Apple’s latest and greatest A5 processor chip, iCloud service, higher-resolution camera, and a 4-inch screen size.

iPhone 4 slinks overto verizon early 2011

It seems to be common knowledge that Verizon turned down a partnership with Apple to market the very first iPhone – instead Apple went straight to AT&T and they have been making history together since. But history as we know it – in a technology sense, even though it is always changing anyways – will soon be changed.

iPhone 4 Verizon

iPhone 4
What am I talking about? Well folks, it seems that Verizon has slated a 2011 release for a CDMA version of the iPhone 4. Yes – you heard me correctly – the iPhone is coming to Verizon!
According toFortune‘s latest spread on Ivan Seidenburg (current Verizon CEO) it has been revealed that Verizon will be marketing a CDMA version of the iPod 4 in “early 2011″. The spread has also regurgitated some juicy juicy details that we know you’re just dying to hear.
Fortune actually revealed that the latest CDMA version won’t be dual-mode compatible with the GSM network, nor will it feature use of the new Verizon LTE 4G network. This is unfortunate as Steve Jobs clearly mentioned his distaste about how cramped CDMA’s international borders are when compared to GSM. And let’s be honest – a 4G enabled CDMA phone would be beast!

Kamis, 05 April 2012

shoes !! :D

D&G Shoes Collection for Spring-Summer 2012 Fashion Trend is about Spring-Summer 2012 fashion trend with D&G Shoes Collection. Not as usual, the D&G shoes collection for Spring-Summer 2012 fashion trend does not offer pumps shoes that are sexy and stylish. Instead, this D&G shoes collection for Spring-Summer 2012 fashion trend is more accentuate romantic shoes in bold colors and unique print motifs.
DG shoes collection Spring Summer 2012 fashion trend D&G Shoes Collection for Spring Summer 2012 Fashion Trend
D&G shoes collection, Spring-Summer 2012 fashion trend

Seasons influencing 2012 fashion

winter 2012 fashion

Winter 2012 fashion

The start of a new year won’t mean that 2012 fashion is all completely new. Anything but. There’ll be those distinctly new elements and those distinctly new themes, but a lot of the clothing and accessories we wear in 2012 will be influenced by the most recent season: autumn / fall 2011. Follow the link to find out which fashionable elements are a part of the end of 2011 and the start of 2012, and will have an impact upon 2012′s fashion trends.
5 pieces to keep

5 pieces to keep for the New Year

What to keep, what to store, what to throw away all together? These are questions we’re bound to ask as we move into any new year. For 2012 the options of what to keep are many; you simply need to know how to give those key trend pieces from last year a 2012 refresh.
Follow the link to find out 5 key pieces from last season that will continue to serve you well into 2012.

Berikut ini daftar konser artis-artis internasional :

1. Scissor Sisters (Hard Rock Cafe Bali)
Tanggal : 7 Januari 2012
Venue : Hard Rock Cafe Bali
Tiket : Rp 500.000
2. Foster the People (3 Ocean Live)
Tanggal : 11 Januari 2012
Venue : Tennis Indoor Senayan
Tiket : Festival (Rp 398.000), Tribune (Rp 690.000), VIP (Rp 979.000)
3. AJ Rafael (StarD Protainment)
Tanggal : 13 Januari 2012
Venue : Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta
Tiket : Rp 250.000


kali ini agak melenceng dari musik , but guys tetap ada hubunganya dengan musik

style rambut penyanyi mancanegara


CANTIK dengan rambut lurus

tetep kece dengan rambut blonde curly nya :)

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

chord of piano

Photos of Piano Chords Recently Added - See Below
Fig 1 : Reference diagram for piano chord shapesRefer to the diagram above and use the numbers to dictate the notes to be used.Key number 3 is middle C.

Basic Piano Chords and Chord Shapes. This page is dedicated only to the main set of major, minor, 7th and major 7th chords

how to play piano part 2

  • Play pieces that you enjoy playing or pieces that you know well!
  • Never give up. The fingering, speed, and chords in some pieces may be frustrating and difficult, but push through it. If you get frustrated, step away from the piano for a few minutes until you are ready to play again.
  • The more you practice, the better you will perform.
  • Don't give up! If you do take piano lessons, remember this: You are very lucky; many parents want their child to learn piano, but not all can afford it.
  • You may like to accompany a singer on piano and perhaps form a rhythm section with other instruments.
  • Learn to sight read music. This will allow you to play a large range of pieces without learning them from memory.
  • If you're at a recital and your hands shake wildly, sit on your hands for a few minutes before you go out to play. It calms them down.

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

How To Play Piano

Beautifully constructed of 88 black and white keys, the piano is something to enjoy and love not only for the holidays but for the whole year long. Yet the piano has also proven itself to be an intimidating instrumental piece, due in part to its amazing adaptability to play all types of musical pieces from classical elegance to a rough and tumble boogie in no time flat.